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Stem cell treatment for face 

The Ultimate in Anti-Aging for your skin
100,000 THB
This price includes everything, including consultation fees; there are no additional charges.
Total treatment duration about 2 hours 

As we grow older, our natural stem cells gradually and inevitably diminish, along with the ability to reproduce new replacement cells throughout the body include our facial structure. At the epidermal level, skin becomes thinner, more sensitive to irritation, and more prone to wrinkles, freckles, and age spots.


Thanks to the uncanny reparative properties of Stem Cell Therapy, reintroducing living, high-quality Stem Cells into the body, it is essentially regarded as a miraculous breakthrough within the medical community, clinically proven to successfully rejuvenate existing cells for more efficient productivity and self-propagation. The aesthetics field, in particular, has successfully applied the use of stem cell in anti-aging treatment procedures to virtually turn back the hands of time with exemplary results.

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Our stem cell facial treatment guideline 

Our treatment protocol includes the initial stimulation of new collagen production through fractional laser resurfacing and Ultrasound lifting, both of which are complimentary in our stem cell treatment for the face package. Stem cells act as exceptional workers, much like skilled builders for an entire city. By initiating resurfacing and lifting procedures to encourage new collagen production, stem cells are directed to perform their precise roles on your skin—similar to placing the right person in the right job. Following the collagen stimulation step, we proceed to inject mesenchymal stem cells into your skin.

What included in this package 

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Blemishes and freckles become less visible as we can see that infant has none of all these skins aging sign

•Visible results start from 2-4 weeks and become outstanding within 2-3 months after stem cells therapy

•Repeat treatment recommended every 1-3 years

•Recovery time 1-3 days depending on skin type

•Slows and reverses visible signs of aging

•Revives skin cells, decrease fine lines and wrinkles

•Return of natural moisture to the skin •Return of resilience and firmness to the skin

After care 

After-care treatment is a crucial factor for the success of the procedure. Following the addition of new, young stem cells to your skin and the stimulation of these cells with various treatments, the reliance is now on your body to naturally produce new cells and collagen. To ensure the optimal performance of the injected stem cells, it is essential to provide them with proper after-care.

Avoid exposure to strong sunlight during the first two weeks, as UV light can disrupt new collagen production.


Apply a generous amount of sensitive skin moisturizer, as your own stem cells and fibroblast skin cells will collaborate with the treatment, and they perform best on moist rather than dry skin.


Steer clear of hot temperature treatments, such as laser procedures, radiofrequency (RF), hot facial massages, and saunas for the first month. Bruising may occur but should resolve on its own within 1-2 weeks.

Pay attention to your nutrition by avoiding high-sugar foods. Ensure an adequate intake of protein and vitamin C, as they are essential building blocks for new collagen production.


Refrain from smoking and limit exposure to passive smoking for the next 6 months, as this period is crucial for intense new collagen production.

Do not go swimming for at least 5 days after treatment.

No exercise and avoid for 24 hours of treatment. 

Regular make up can apply normally the day after treatment.

Avoid alcohol-based toners and whitening for the first week

How often should I undergo stem cell treatment for my face?

Stem cell treatment for facial rejuvenation is highly individualized, guided by specific needs and goals, and tailored by healthcare professionals. Seeking advice from a qualified practitioner is crucial for a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your skin's unique requirements.

Factors influencing treatment frequency include your goals, potential initial intensive phases for optimal results, and subsequent maintenance phases to prolong benefits. Your skin's condition and individual response to treatment, as well as lifestyle factors like sun exposure and diet, are considered.

As a general recommendation, undergoing stem cell treatments every 1-3 years is advised, with adjustments based on individual lifestyles. Regular follow-up consultations with your healthcare provider allow for ongoing refinements to the treatment plan, ensuring sustained effectiveness and optimal skin health. The collaborative approach between you and your provider remains essential throughout this journey.

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To rejuvenate a youthful facial feature, understanding of facial anatomical changes over time is essential. Anatomical changes to the facial skeletal framework, soft tissue, ligaments, fat compartments, and skin all impact on facial aging in different degrees depending on the intrinsic and extrinsic modifying factors. Here are the chronicle effects of aging on our faces. (1)



Facial skeletal change with time, create dramatic shifting of the underneath soft tissue and supportive ligaments of the face, and when combined with baby fat redisposition and volume loss, these give a reasonable explanation behind the complex theory of facial aging. Changes to the bony structure with time lead to noticeable facial change and synchronize with soft-tissue laxity and atrophy, generate the appearance of facial aging.


The collapse and loss of the facial fat compartments create the looks of enhancing skin laxity or significant creases around the nasolabial area, around the eye’s region, and jowl.


The skin is the cover or canvas of our face. The skin also aging as a result of internal and external factors too. Moreover, the repetitive dynamic muscle contractions from facial expression result in the presence of deep and shallow wrinkles over areas of contractions such as the around the eyes and around the mouth, forehead, and glabella. Photodamage and smoking increase the production of oxidative stress toward skin cells resulting in thinning of skin thickness, sun-damaged skin, and collagen break, leading to aging skin characteristic.


•Body mass index


•Alcohol consumption

•Cigarette smoking

•Unprotected sun exposure


After many trial projects in the past 10 years of the 20th century, stem cells were around two decades ago introduced as a novel and promising treatment for many varieties of diseases. This expectation related to the special characteristic of stem cells and their regenerative ability enhance in direct proportion to the important need in many medical fields. Stem cells are right now extensively exploring applications in a number of medical fields including the skin. Mesenchymal stem cells seem to be a perfect source for tissue engineering therapy due to less ethical concerns, high inaccessibility, and an increasing number of methods for extraction and expansion of such cell types. Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) can act as the initial building blocks for Connective Tissue, which include collagen and elastin, as well for blood vessels and fatty tissue. They can help the skin become more resilient, feel smoother, and appear brighter.

stem cell treatment Bangkok

Mesenchymal stem cells are stem cells that have the unique ability to turn into various types of cells in the body. They are universal donor cells, which can be utilized into any patient without risk and are thus perfectly suited for Cell Therapy.


For aesthetic rejuvenation treatment, Mesenchymal Stem Cells can act as the start of building blocks for skin and connective tissue, which include elastin and collagen, as well for fatty tissue and blood vessel. They can turn back your skin age give your baby face looks, help the skin become more resilient, feel smoother, and appear brighter.

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Cell therapy is the injection of self or non-self stem cells to restore the viability of tissues. The mechanism of action of stem cell for skin such as



Stem cells have the ability to self-renewal and turn into multiple types of cells that contribute to skin repair.


Paracrine effect:

Stem cells can enhance the progress of wound healing. By producing the substance that cell needs for repair and regenerate such as various types of growth factors and cytokine. These studies reported that the potential of stem cells to adjust the tissue microenvironment by the production of soluble factors to the tissue repair process.


Immune system modulation:

Stem cells can modulate the immune and inflammatory responses to enhance skin healing. The injection of mesenchymal stem cells on the surface of the skin decreases inflammatory cell and increase the formation of new vessels tissue this makes the underlying structure can reach more nutrient and substance needed for repair and regenerate. After skin tissue injury, Stem cells mobilize from the blood. These cells migrate to the site of injury and modulate the repair and rejuvenate at the cellular level. It has also been identified that mesenchymal stem cells secrete cytokine which inhibits inflammatory and modulates the immune response. Taken together, it has been demonstrated that stem cells contribute to skin repair by several of their properties, including cell differentiation, substance secretion, and immune modulation. Stem cell therapy is an attractive therapeutic tool for future skin treatment.

Revival Clinic Bangkok

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